Hello and welcome to types of rooms in a house where we aim to identify what types of rooms are in houses. There are many rooms which we all know, obviously such as a living room, bedroom and kitchen. But what about those rooms that don’t appear as much or are not as popular. What about the types of rooms that are obsolete, or maybe only present in a luxury house. We are going to take a deep dive into the different types of rooms, spaces and areas that are present in homes. Exciting, huh?
Description of rooms in a house
Here I am going to talk about the description of the different rooms in a house. This is quite interesting because depending on where you are from you may use different rooms for different things, so it is quite fascinating to see what people do with the space they are given.
Types of rooms in a mansion
Now you may think that types of rooms are different in a mansion, but they aren’t actually that different. The thing about mansions is that they are big, yes but they are not always that luxurious or have anything extra that a regular house would not. A mansion may have a grand staircase and an entrance hall. It may also have certain house areas that are not accessible to all guests. If you’re buying a house with a $60k income (like most people), many of these rooms likely won’t exist in your home. But they can certainly provide inspiration for making the most of your space!
- Bedroom – This is where people mainly sleep and unwind. You may also find a TV in here.
- Bathroom – A lovely bathroom is great. It has to be designed well and have a flare. It also should be built to last, and have a design that can last for quite a while.
- En suite – This is brilliant if you have a lot of guests round. Sharing bathrooms can get awkward, and an en suite bathroom takes the awkwardness away.
- Conservatory – lovely if you like to grow plants and have a place to sit.
- Living room – the main room to unwind and watch tv
- Dining room – A lovely place to sit and dine out in the comfort of your own home.

- Kitchen – Cooking is some people’s best hobby and a great place to let your creative and flare flow into the food. It can also be a place to wash dishes and prepare meals
- Wine cellar – this can be great and doesn’t have to be too large. A wine cellar will make your dinner parties be amazing and transformative.
- Garage – if you have cars, or a summer car , or even a motorbike that you like to tinker away on, this can be fantastic. A garage is a great place to store things like paints, oil and car parts.
House areas
There are actually many different types of house areas, as well as rooms. These can include shared space such as a kitchen, garden or living room. Can also include aspects such as servants quarters, and areas people such as guests would not go .This may also include guest wings, guest bedrooms and more. There will be different areas depending on what house areas there are.
Types of rooms in a luxury house
This again can be slightly different depending on the house,and where you are in the world, but basically a luxury house builds on that of a mansion, and adds slightly more luxury here. So we may find additional rooms and extras such as a games room, a billiard room and a wine cellar.
- Conservatory
- Games room
- Wine cellar
- Attic
- Pool room
- Psychomanteum
- Sauna
- Hearth room
- Parlor Room
- Master bedroom

- Master bathroom
- Home cinema
- Mud room.
- Larder
- Butlers pantry
Different rooms in a house images
You may not be able to picture this. So let me show you some images that pertain to some of the rooms I have just mentioned. Pictures of different types of rooms in a house are sometimes hard to come by because it is not every day that random strangers with big houses let you into their home, but let me tell you. We are here today to show you some of the most top quality houses on the market.
Different rooms in a house chart
So, you need to think about these different rooms. For some, open plan living is optimal, but even with this, you may think and consider that you want a larder or a pantry to keep some things away from guests. That being said we can also add that some things may not be necessary, for instance a home sauna or gym, you may not do too many sports.
Dream house room list
If you are planning on living in your dream house. You need a bit more luxury than your normal basic home. Here are some rooms we think you need to think about and include when you are going to buy a home.

- Butler’s pantry – If you are going to be entertaining, you must get one of these. Even if you don’t have a butler or a servant, it can be useful in preparing meals, drinks and morte.
- Indoor pool – An indoor pool is a must. This is so brilliant because it can be used in all weathers seasons and days, as well as this it is an exceptional way to keep fit as well as healthy. To add to this, if you want to have a pool party, this is perfect!
- Home gym – a home gym is also a must if you are wanting to keep fit. This promotes you to train at home when you may not want to train at the gym.
- Keeping room – A relaxed room second to a living room, where you can kick back and put your feet up.
Rooms in a house worksheet
You may want to test yourself on rooms in a house, you can find worksheets on this here.
Parts of home
Really, a house is a home when you make it a home. We hope some of the parts of the homes have made an impression on you and maybe you will get some new ideas on homes. This is great because it is important to get what you want when searching for buying a property.